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The name Ak-sar-ben.com, is proprietory to this site and may not be used without permission. Ak-sar-ben.com and its owner JOSEPH M. ANANIA, {Ananias, Ltd>} claims ©copyright on the ENTIRETY of the collection presented within this website. Ak-sar-ben.com and its owner, JOSEPH M. ANANIA, also claims ©copyright of all ORIGINAL content displayed within this site.
I would like to thank EVERYONE who helped contribute and assist me with statistics, photos, and references to people and places to contact. Some of these people include, but not all, Jeff Apel, Grand Island Independent. Don Lee, retired Omaha-World Herald Sports reporter & Member of Nebraska Racing Hall Of Fame, Chris Kotulak, former AK-SAR-BEN track announcer, John Yohe, Papillion, NE. (Flash Videos), , PaperEtc., , Hard Luck Dave, www.aksarbenpins.com , Fred Dizonno, who supplied some of the audio & video race replays, WOWT, KETV, KMTV. KPTM, THR OMAHA WORLD HERALD and THE GRAND ISLAND INDEPENDENT. THANK YOU ALL for your help.